What Are Computer Glasses?
Computer glasses are designed with straight ahead vision maximized for comfortable viewing of the computer screens position, width and distance. “Regular” multifocals, require head tilting to see the screen only somewhat clearly and progressives have too narrow of a intermediate corridor. The human eye is optimally designed for distance vision and intermittent near focus. Computer screens are a modern visual demand that frequently causes undo stress and symptoms such as headaches, eyestrain and neck ache. “Occupational” computer glasses reduce the stress of sustained computer viewing. If you are using computers for more than a few minutes at a time, prescription computer glasses may help you do so more comfortably.
Additional Hints and Tips
Take mini “eye-breaks” while sitting at your desk: At lease once every 5 minutes focus on something pleasant in the distance for a few moments. Look out a window, look at a picture on the far wall, or close your eyes and visualize your favorite outdoor horizon.
Get away from the computer for a few minutes every half hour. Stand up, stretch a bit, look far away.
If you work in an environment where glare is an issue be sure and get an anti -reflective coating on glasses used for the computer.
Fluorescent blue light scatter can be minimized with a light amber or a rose tint.
You needn’t suffer needlessly.
If you are having problems with prolonged computer use, the fist step to greater comfort is a complete eye exam.
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